Florida Department of Education

User Registration
Registration Instructions:
This form must be completed in its entirety. All items with an asterisk (*) are required fields and must be completed or the application cannot be submitted. If you require assistance, please contact the D.O.E. at (850)-245-0401 , or e-mail FLAGSSupport@fldoe.org.
After this application form has been submitted, an electronic copy will be e-mailed to the applicant's work e-mail address provided below. Please print the electronic copy for your own records, and follow the instructions contained therein. Your registration request will be reviewed and, upon approval, your User ID will be sent to your work e-mail address.
User Information
  Agency Name Instructions:  If the Agency to be selected is not on the list below, call the Department of Education at (850)-245-0401 before proceeding further.
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Agency Contacts *
 Full NamePersonnal TypePhone NumberIs Active

Heather Margiotta Supervisor305-809-3178 Yes

Julia Patterson Supervisor407-296-9081 Yes
Bureau Section: *
User Security
You will be automatically assigned a system-generated Username and Password. Upon completion of your registration request, this information will be emailed to you via the email address you supplied in the form above. At this point, you will not be able to log into FLAGS.

After your registration request has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Education Office, your account will be enabled for login. Upon your first login, you will be forced to change your Password.

If your Password needs to be reassigned at your request, the information you supply below will be used by the Department of Education Office to verify your identity.  Be sure to remember your secret question and answer.